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Happy Birthday Händel 2025

A little late, on March 22, 2025 at 7:30 p.m. our traditional performance of Handel's oratorio Messiah with a choir of 450 singers will take place again in the Handel Hall in Händel's hometown Halle. The musical director is Proinnsías O'Duinn. The Staatskapelle Halle plays as the orchestra. To get an idea please visit the photo galleries of our past events.

The date of registration for singers will be announced shortly via newsletter.


Thursday, 20 March 2025

4:30 pm Birthday serenade for Handel at the Handel Monument
6:00 pm Messiah choir rehearsal in the Handel Hall
8:00 pm Singer's Club at Restaurant Hermes

Friday, 21 March 2025

2:00 pm Messiah Choir rehearsal in the Handel Hall
7:30 pm Choir sounds from near and far in the Ulrichskirche, performed by participating choirs.
9:00 pm Singer's Club at Restaurant Hans im Glück

Saturday, 22 March 2025

10:30 am dress rehearsal in the Handel Hall
7:30 pm Messiah concert in the Handel Hall
10:00 pm Händel Birthday Party at Restaurant Hans im Glück

MESSIAH Music and Details

Qualification - You should have sung Messiah at least once in English language.

Scores - Please bring your Messiah scores along. They should be in a black envelope. We offer a service for this at the event.  The Novello Watkins-Shaw Edition is used and can be purchased in our shop.

Dress Order - Elegant.  Alto & Soprano in white top and black bottoms. Bass & Tenor in black suite and bow tie.

The following chorals passages will be sung:

·         And The Glory Of The Lord

·         And He Shall Purify

·         O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings

·         For Unto Us A Child Is Born

·         Glory To God

·         His Yoke Is Easy

·         Behold The Lamb Of God

·         Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs

·         And With His Stripes

·         All We Like Sheep

·         He Trusted In God

·         Lift Up Your Heads

·         The Lord Gave The Word

·         Their Sound Is Gone

·         Let Us Break Their Bonds Assunder

·         Hallelujah

·         Since By Man Came Death

·         Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain

·         Amen

Singer registration

You need to sign up to sing along. This is done via the Internet. Participation in the Messiah Choir (singer ticket) is subject to a fee and includes participation in the three final rehearsals and the concert as well as in the additional program as described in the program. The price of the singer's ticket is 75 €. Choirs and singers are equally invited. Singers should have rehearsed the Messiah in English and sung it before. 

The date of registration for singers will be announced via newsletter. Singer tickets usually sell out within half an hour. The date and time published in the newsletter should therefore be observed, so that you can secure a place. It is possible to be put on the waiting list.

The student discount is 50%. To do so, please enter the discount code JUGEND.

Cancellation: As long as we have singers on the waiting list, purchased singer tickets can be refunded with a discount of 10 €. Refunds are possible up to 1 week before the concert, after that we can unfortunately no longer refund.

Singer registration starts on Sunday, 29th September at 8 p.m.


Many singers travel far to attend. For those we have negotiated special rates with good hotels in walking distances from the event locations. Prices start with 64 € per person per night, including breakfast. These offers you can find here