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Handel Monument

The Handel City of Halle

On February 23, 1685, George Frideric Handel was born in Halle. He was born in what is now the Handel House Museum and was baptized a day later in the Marktkirche. There he was later to learn to play the organ on the Reichel organ. As a young organist, he played in Halle Cathedral and St. Ulrich's Church, before his years of wandering and learning took him to Hamburg, Italy, Hanover and finally London, where he unfolded his full creative power.

Visitors to the city of Halle can still visit these original trading sites today. In addition, the city of Halle offers numerous attractions, including the historic campus of the university, the venerable pietistic institution of the Francke Foundations, the historic salt production plant, the famous Nebra Sky Disc and much more. A lively gastronomic scene and beautiful scenery along the Saale complement every visit, as well as walks through the old city center and the streets from the Wilhelminian era. More about Halle here.

Händels house of birth and museum
Reichel Organ
Cathedral Halle
St. Ulrich's Church
Burg Giebichenstein
Galerie Moritzburg
Franckeschen Stiftungen Main Building 
Historical University 
Opera Halle
Nebra Sky Disc